WILLEMSTAD.- The Unions that have representation in CGOA consider that it is a lack of respect on the part of the Government, to inform the public employees of certain steps that they are going to take without consulting the unions in advance. For that reason, they announce actions from now on, which consist in that for this Tuesday all the public employees and school teachers will go to the headquarters of ABVO for an informative meeting and to determine their position.

This is how, as yesterday afternoon, the unions that are members of the Central Commission of Trade Unions (CCV), deliberated on a letter that the Minister of Personnel Affairs, Mr. Armin Konket addressed its members and decided to announce actions from now on. In statements to the press, the president of ABVO sr. Adrie Williams announced that this is unacceptable, because in a circular that the government took out is put in danger: indexation, salary increase and the payment of compensation of 3%. Perhaps in the future, even the money for vacations and salaries may be in dispute.

Taking into account the situation, the unions call on all members to register on Tuesday morning at the ABVO headquarters to inform the Government’s intention to remove what is mentioned in the circular. ABVO will not accept this decision. There is an indexation of 2018 that the Government must pay without more, because this is something that was agreed upon. The Government for that moment, indicated that it had that money within its budget to pay it, so now it must honor it.

Mr. Ronaldo Abraham explained that they recently had an extraordinary GOA, in which they dealt with matters concerning SITEK and on that occasion the members asked Minister Konket about the payment of the indexation and salary increase and the minister did not answer about the decision taken in the Council of Ministers. And the unions now heard about what is going to happen. For unions it is not a way to deal with the representatives of the CGOA workers and in this framework the unions (ABVO, NAPB, SAP, SITEK and STRAF) took up the fight again and will fight now until the end.

For his part Darius “Lio” Plantijn of SITEK, announced that this type of situation brings double confusion to its members, because they already reached certain agreements with the Government. They do not know what part of their package they negotiated.



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