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Djadumingu, Sèptèmber 8, 2024
Author Macmillan George

Yu, Rumannan i demas famia ta partisipá fayesimentu di

Author Macmillan George

(Mihó konosí komo Author, eks empleado di MCB i eks miembro di Brotherhood of Man)

Dia, ora i lugá di entiero lo wòrdu anunsiá despues.


  1. Kondoleer na Stanley i sobra famia. Ku Dios konsola boso i duna boso hopi forza.
    Imelda Pauletta ex alumno di Princess Margriet school na Buena Vista

  2. Stanley Cecil i yu kondoleer i hopi forsa,ku perdida di bosnan ruman i Tata.Hopi forsa na famianan.Nos bon bisiña nan.Otto sosega na pas.R.I.P. (Amelia)

    • Mas profundo kondolensia na famia George, Dios duna famia George hopi forsa ku e perdida.
      Author sosega na pas

  3. Sympathy to Stanley, Marlene and the rest of the family. May his soul rest in eternal peace and rise in glory.

  4. Mi mas sentido pesame ta bai na Stanley, Cecil y sobra famia ku perdida di biso ser keri, Dios duna bosnan hopi forsa y konsuelo den e dianan difisil aki

  5. Stanley, Cecil i demas familia kondoleer i hopi forsa ku fallecimentu di Otto. Ku e sosega na pas.
    Di Georgette Hunt.

  6. Cecil and Stanley and rest of the family accept my deepest condolences.
    May Arthur rest in peace.
    Juf Catherine Tevreden

  7. Cecil i Stanley, kondoler ku morto inesperá di boso ruman Author. Ku Dios Tine den su rein. Pas a su alma. Di partij di Nelis,/Sandra i yunan

  8. My condolences to family,friends for the loss of Author Macmillan George ex member from Brotherhood of Man. May he R.I.P.

    Mister Ras Tuttyman.

  9. Mi mas profundo kondolensia na su yui i tur su rumannan i famia i ku su alma alma sosega na pas, Author champion


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