Djasabra, Febrüari 8, 2025
Gwendoline Guilette van Heyningen Chemont

The children of the late:

Gwendoline Guilette van Heyningen Chemont

Extend their deepest gratitude to family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances for their kindness and support during this difficult time. Your comforting words, thoughtful gestures, flowers, messages, and calls have meant so much and provided great comfort to the family.

Special thanks to the nurses from the White and Yellow Cross, management and staff of Stichting Huize Zorg en Hoop, and also nurses Tiara Saunders and Kevin Gumbs from the Curaçao Medical Center and the team of El Tributo.
“Your presence at the ceremony was a touching reminder of the love and support that surrounds us. We are truly grateful for your generosity and compassion.”


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