Hot letter from urologists to Minister Camelia

 WILLEMSTAD.- The urology society previously sent a letter to Minister Camelia-Römer and they never got a reaction on this. And for that reason now they have decided, to send a letter via the press. The society noted in the press the conclusion of Minister Camelia-Römer, which is that the execution of basic insurance in 2013 has not sought a reduction in health expenses as expected. The objective now of SVB is to save 70 million per year. It has not been stipulated how this will take place, nor what consequences will medical care have, but health care providers want to introduce a so-called DBC (Combination of Diagnostic Treatment), a platform for production and contracts for medical care.           

The question of urologists is what makes the Minister think that this will lower health expenses. Urologists say they worked in the Netherlands where urology was a specialty in development and with the introduction of the BDC, it took a lot of time and energy and they wonder if the Minister will know the conclusions now, after 20 years.

In the first place, this does not make the care cheaper and secondly it is an aim of the people who work in the hospital to be in charge of the execution, control and care of all those rules. These are the people who never treat a patient but earn twice as much as a nurse. They want to know where the Minister is going to get these people and how they are going to pay and even more so with the deficit they have.

Now the Minister wants to lower the expenses of sending people abroad for medical reasons due to three doctors from abroad. This had been done for many years. Dr. Klijn from AUMC Utrecht was brought to Curaçao for very complicated urological operations. In any case, the sending of people abroad increased the last years of explosive form and this because there was no investment in instruments and equipment. And with the same equipment, the outside professional should work, here. For example, a Holmiun Laser to break stones. You buy one for urologists from abroad and not for the locals?

The urologists invited the Minister to visit their offices on Wednesdays at Sta. Rosaweg. On Saturdays because those days both Dr. Isa and Dr. Bade together with the urology nurse and 3 secretaries handle the ambulatory emergency. They have no place to sit people. They would like to hear from the Minister, if it is not clear that they know that there should be convenience to reduce the demand for care, and they have already tried this. In the Netherlands there is one urologists for every 40,000 thousand inhabitants and in Curaçao there are 3 urologists for 160,000 thousand inhabitants and even more knowing that in Curaçao there are more patients over 60 years.

How they want to reduce the demand for care or perhaps the Minister refers to “private care.” Urologists want to know how and who believes that with these measures, with the introduction of BZV will be achieved or lead to a decrease in expenses.



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