Djabièrnè, Yüli 5, 2024

Mr. Ing Ruben E. Page

Mr. Ing Ruben E. Page

Erskine, Michele and Andrew with sadness would like to announce the passing of their beloved husband
and father:

Mr. Ing Ruben E. Page

Date of funeral: 24-06-2024
Place: Methodist Church
Calls of condolences: 13:00 – 15:00 followed
by a service.


  1. Gecondoleerd en heel veel sterkte toegewenst bij het heengaan van jouw Echtgenoot, jullie Vader en “MY BOSS”. PSALM 116:15 SAYS: PRECIOUS IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD IS THE DEATH OF HIS SAINTS!!! STAY STRONG, BECAUSE HE IS RESTING IN THE ARMS OF HIS HEAVENLY FATHER. R.I.P.

  2. Risibí nos mas sinsero kondolensia.
    Forsa pa e dianan difísil na kaminda.
    Ku Bro. Ruben su alma sosegá na pas.

  3. Gecondoleerd i forsa Senator Erskine pa bo i famia. Ku Ruben su alma sosegá na pas. Ku Dios konsolá boso i duna boso su pas.

  4. Erskine & Family,
    Please accept our most sincere condolences with the passing of your husband and father. May Ruben rest in Peace!

  5. May the good God rest his soul in peace.
    And to ms Elli and family our warmest and deepest condolences
    Family: Nowels and Luijando

  6. Erskine i yunan, kondolensia. Hopi forsa pa karga ku e perdida di Ruben. Señor lo duna forsa.
    Myrna i Frank Hanze.

  7. Na Erskine y famia condolencia y forso cu perdida di casa y tata di bo junan e tabata un gran Lider y motivator cu Alma sosega na pas

  8. Nos profundo kondolensia i forsa na Erskine, Michele i Andrew i famia! Ku Ruben sosegá na pas!

    Reginald Victor Römer i famia.

  9. Kondoleer i forza pa Erskine i yu nan i famia nan
    Ku Sen Ruben sosega ma Paz.

    Sen Sheila i Hein i famia 🙏🏾

  10. Erskine and family accept our condolences. God grant you all strength in these days of sorrow.

    Catherine Tevreden

  11. Deepest condolences to the Page family. Rubenwas my schoolmate and friend in Aruba many years ago. May he rest in eternal peace.
    Roy Gibbs and family in Atlanta Georgia.

  12. Hopi forsa na Erskine, Michele i Andrew. Kreador ta guia boso durante periodo di rou.
    “Niun hende no tin kòntròl riba bida pa por keda hala rosea , niun hende no por prosponé su morto” ( Pred. 8, 8 )
    Ruben sosegá na pas.

  13. Deepest condolences to the Page family.
    Paz Eterna al Alma Noble del Maestro y Líder Rubén!!!🙏. Mis saludos desde
    Dominican Republic
    Jorge Suncar Morales

  14. Kondoleer i forsa na senator Erskine Page I famia. Ku senator Ruben Page sosega na pas.

    Jacqueline Kwidama

  15. Hopi forsa den e tempunan aki, pa Erskine (Juffrouw Page), famia I tur ser kerinan. May his memory be a blessing.

    Paul, Taicy, Adam, Annette and Rachel Morón

  16. Senator Erskine, yuinan i demas famia, kondoleer i hopi forsa ku e gran perdida i ku Senator Ruben sosega na paz 🌹

  17. Ms Elly and family. Our deepest condolences on the passing of Ruben. May the Lord grant you strenght and peace in your sorrow.

  18. Fellow Jaycee Senator Erskine, yunan y familia,
    Nos más sincero sentido di pésame cu fallecimento di Senator Ruben. Nos ta desea boso hopi forza pa carga e perdida grandi aki.
    Cu Ruben sosega na paz.
    Fellow Jaycees:
    Yolanda Lub-Hernández
    Tony Hernández y Severo (Tico) Hernández

  19. Mi mas profundo kondolensia i palabranan di forsa pa Erskine, yunan i demas famia di Ruben.
    Ku Ruben su alma haña deskanso etèrno 🙏 🕯 🌹

  20. My deepest sympathy to Elly, Michele and Andrew. May God grant you strength and comfort. Cherish the wonderful memories. May the soul of Ruben rest in peace.

    Sonia Goeloe (former member of Female Jaycees Curaçao) and daughter Monique Brown-James and family.

  21. Heartfelt condolences are extended to the the family and loved ones of Mr.ing. Ruben Emanuel Page.
    May God Almighty grant his wife, Mrs. Erskine Page-Arrindell and children: Michèle Page and Andrew Page and entire family circle, comfort, peace and strength during these difficult times.
    May you always hold the love and memories you shared together close to your hearts.
    May his soul Rest in Eternal Peace.🙏
    On behalf of the children and respective families of the late William Ecasius (Cassey) Brill.

  22. Mi sinsero kondolensia. Hopi forsa pa awe.

    Jessica Cras i famia.
    Lorna Curiël i famia.
    Jalrika van Ommeren i famia.


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