WILLEMSTAD.- The Government of the United States yesterday imposed sanctions on the State Oil Company of Venezuela, PDVSA. With this, the United States puts more pressure on President Nicolás Maduro. As is known, the government of President Trump last week recognized Juan Guaidó as the country’s representative. The United States does not recognize Maduro. According to Minister-President Rhuggenaath at this moment, Curaçao is seriously analyzing the consequences of American sanctions for our island and especially for the Refinery. “In Curaçao, we are monitoring the situation entirely, since January 23 (when the National Assembly appointed Guaidó as Executive President of Venezuela, EXTRA), we are analyzing the situation more closely.

We are analyzing all the possible types of repercussions and their effects for Curaçao. We are seeing all the possibilities and consequences. What is the policy of the United States? And what can happen in the future to come? We do that in cooperation with Holland. ‘ Rhuggenaath explains that one of the sanctions that Curaçao envisaged that would have come from a few days before against Venezuela was that the United States would raise the pressure against Venezuela and the Oil Industry: “We monitor the consequences of the sanctions and we are analyzing the possible consequences for Curaçao “.

According to the words of Rhuggenaath, Curaçao is in constant and continuous contact with the Kingdom regarding the situation in Venezuela. Foreign Minister Stef Blok informed the Dutch Parliament on Saturday, relevant topics regarding the situation in Venezuela and the new position of the Netherlands. After a meeting with other countries of the European Union, the Dutch Kingdom remains in the position that President Nicolás Maduro must decide before this weekend, the organization of free and transparent elections for Venezuela. Otherwise, the Netherlands could recognize Juan Guaidó as Acting President of Venezuela. According to Blok, he informed the Governments of Aruba, Bonaire Curaçao and San Martin of Holland’s position.

Rhuggenaath: “We inform Blok about everything regarding our concern about the situation in Venezuela … We are on the same line.”



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