WILLEMSTAD.- Something that many could have expected has happened, and even much earlier than expected. Health Inspector Mr. Jan Huurman was suspended by the Minister of Health, Environment and Nature Mrs. Suzy Camelia-Romer. An official press release presented by the government confirms this.

In this press release it is stated that officially the mentioned minister has decided that starting November 16th 2018 the Health Inspector Jan Huurman is suspended of its duties and responsibilities for the period on one month. Mr. Huurman is prohibited for entering the health ministry buildings. The suspension decision was reached based on a correspondence of Mr. Huurman. At the end of the press release it is stated that the minister will be speaking with Mr. Huurman. From the brief explanation given in the press release it can be concluded that Mr. Huurman went out of line trying to get the authority of the minister.

It must be admitted that the attitude presented by Mr. Huurman has caused a lot of controversy.


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