WILLEMSTAD.- The Minister of Health Mrs. Suzy Camelia-Römer indicated that she personally distances herself from the forensic investigation that is taking place in the new Hospital. This was expressed during the Central Commission meeting.

However, she observed all the different investigations that are taking place in the Hospital. She is looking for information on how much such an investigation may cost and discussed it in the Council of Ministers in order to receive advice from the Minister of Finance.

Also in the Council of Ministers, Minister Camelia-Römer asked the person who follows her to take care of this investigation, since it’s an extensive investigation that is being done by a family member of the minister.

‘I don’t want no involvement for what so ever and neither that people may start thinking that I’m giving work to my family”. Besides the minister wants that the investigation to cover the period starting 2011 until now.

She believes that it is much better for another person to handle this investigation. For that reason, she has decided to distance said investigation from her person, since she has been Minister these last two years and doesn’t want anyone to think that because her family members are involved in the investigation in question, that she has something to say about it. In addition, the Court of Audit also manages an investigation in the new Hospital.


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