WILLEMSTAD – Following yesterday mornings report from EXTRA, the situation in the Curaçao Detention and Correction Center remained tense and worsened.

From our source, Extra received notice that on Sunday Block 7 had to be put on lockdown after a drone had fallen into that section. Order was given to inspect and sweep the entire block for illegal items. The guards had found that the “drone” had dropped several illegal items behind block 8 including a package with a lot of drugs and 2 cell phones. Cell phones were also found in the cells along with two sharp objects (knives), moonshine and drugs in a teapot.

Subsequently, EXTRA learned that there was nothing to eat in the kitchen. When the guards sent a pork stew to eat with bread to the prisoners, they returned it saying the stew was perished. A special unit of guards had to be sent to the prisoners of Block 7 in order to control the situation as prisoners where rebelling, and wanting to go back to their cells

The situation regarding the kitchen and the shortage of cleaning utensils are extremely chaotic. The prison does not even have the means to supply the basic necessities such as toilet paper and utensils for the prisoners.

The source explained to Extra that some don’t want the public to know about how bad the situation is getting. The ones that are talking are saying that the prison is like a ticking time bomb, getting worse by the day and increasingly more dangerous for the prison workers.


According to the source, the government cannot handle this situation and they make it seem as if everything is under control, even tough this situation is extremely chaotic and out of control.

In the early hours of yesterday morning, the ABVO union met with the SDKK Management to discuss the problems and concerns that reign in the staff.

The union ABVO highlighted the enormous lack of personnel they have working. They also mentioned the issue of food expirations despite the fact that the prison implemented a new way of dealing with the records of the expiration dates of the products.

The ABVO union has now been notified by the Minister of Justice that if money is needed for the food, he will open the availability for the funds right away. This immediately helped the situation, proving food for the morning afternoon and evening.

Despite this, the prisoners of Block 7A and 7B still rose up and rebelled against the prison guards when they where told to go to their cells. Most of the prisoners also had their faces covered. Seeing that the amount of prisoners outnumbered the guards by 12 to 120, they had no choice but to let the prisoners protest and rebel until they calmed down.

It was until after 10:00 pm that the situation had calmed down. This happened when most of the prisoners of block 7A returned to their cells, and guard used gas bombs to direct the prisoners of block 7b to their cells.




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