WILLEMSTAD.- Yesterday the Public Ministry (OM) agreed that Schotte will have to present himself at 9 am at the prison door to fulfill his punishment of 3 years in prison for acts of bribery and forgery. Additionally for 5 years he will not be able to participate or consider himself electorally eligible. On Monday at a press conference, the political leader of the MFK party said that he will be presented in prison to begin to carry out his punishment this morning.


In conversations with the Public Ministry spokesman, mr. Norman Serphos, he explained to EXTRA that yesterday morning the Public Ministry sent a letter to Schotte’s lawyer in which he confirmed everything that the condemned man himself declared during his press conference, in the sense that this Wednesday (today) morning he would appear in prison. In this case, he could not have gone voluntarily, since the prison did not have the necessary documentation. All the documentation has since gotten ready and the Public Prosecutor’s Office confirmed to Schotte that he must appear in prison today Wednesday morning, at exactly 9 a.m. to begin to fulfill his sentence.


In the case of Schotte’s wife, mrs. Cicely van der Dijs, she did not receive a punishment of more than 24 months in prison. Van der Dijs got 15 months of which 6 months are conditional. For the Public Prosecutor there is no priority to imprison Van der Dijs. Another process will be used, such as the “self-presentation project”, in which the convicted person obtains a letter and must present herself in so many days later to serve her sentence. If she does not show up, the police look for her.


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