ROTTERDAM.- Just as it’s happening with more Dutch bachelor students, those in the Caribbean also feel the need to seek support outside of their studies, by the time they must comply with their thesis. Especially for this group, many times things are not going well. This is what the teacher of the Higher Professional Education Jean Marie Molina regularly observes in Caribbean students.

The Dutch Education Unions this week published an article in the newspaper Trouw, in which they show the lack of guidance for these students and are afraid that it is only a privilege for those who have money to achieve it. According to the newspaper, there are many companies that help almost more than one hundred students so that the presentation of their “thesis” is good.

Natasha Gibbs of the Caribbean network spoke with Jean-Marie Molina who guides the students at Hogenschool Rotterdam, and who are late to finish their studies. And there are students from the Caribbean too. Molina showed his concern to the Education Trade Unions, especially when it comes to students from the Caribbean, because “we understand that they suffer”, and more because of the lack of guidance. “Our children find less support and in their network and environment they get less people to help them.” In practice, it is shown that Caribbean students are more at risk than other students in this area.

The reason for this, according to Molina is the way “feedback” is done with the students. “With the Caribbean students it is observed that their work is not approved due to the language, but there is no” feedback “in the content, this happens after the language is corrected again and often it is the last chance. Regarding Caribbean students who do not speak the language, in practice there are opportunities to do it better “.

Molina went on to say that there are companies that help students but they have to pay for their “thesis.” Molina does not have anything against these companies, but she considers that some are not appropriate. Some hurt the students, since they charge for this item.


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