The Curaçao Restaurant Association has taken note of the closure of several catering establishments last weekend and regrets that it had to come this far. From the beginning, the CRA has been committed to follow covid-19 measures, urging its members to comply with the rules. While no members were involved in last weekend’s closings, the CRA would like to express its displeasure at the venues that failed to abide by the rules and therefore had to close.

The association would like to see curfews shifted to midnight and therefore urges restaurants to adhere to the prescribed rules. Members recently received a message about the latest developments and the need for enforcement.

In the coming days, the CRA will seek contact with other interest organizations to encourage as many catering businesses as possible to follow the correct rules. The association is committed to good communication about the regulations and to emphasize the general interest for restorers. The fear of a stricter policy is great and would be disastrous for the sector. Partly for this reason, the CRA calls on everyone to obey the rules.


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