WILLEMSTAD.- A delegation consisting of three people from Curacao Refinery (RdK) left for Houston, Texas in USA, to not only talk with the two large groups that have shown interest in becoming strategic partners of Isla Refinery, but also, to keep all parties at ease after the news appeared that the Director of Refineria di Curacao, Roderick van Kwartel was sent on a compulsory vacation along with two other employees pending an internal investigation.

The news of the action taken by the Supervisory Board against van Kwartel and the other two employees caused a commotion. Mainly the fact that the news came out in the publicity before the Board made the decision to send the three on mandatory vacation, which is considered unpleasant and even unacceptable. The internal investigation of RdK is still in process, while Prime Minister Rhuggenaath offered at the same time a statement to the Public Prosecutor’s Office related to the complaint that entered his office as well as the one that entered the Supervisory Board against van Kwartel.

In the meantime, sources close to Prime Minister Rhuggenaath indicate that it was decided to leave the entire search process for a separate strategic partner in order to call it “a step forward” and continue to continue in order to find a strategic partner for the long term. As mentioned above, there are two groups that have shown interest and participated in the offers, but after observing the decision of the Board of Commissioners of RdK they asked themselves, what is happening.


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