WILLEMSTAD.- On the occasion of the certificate delivery ceremony for students of the Inter-Continental University of the Caribbean (ICUC), Prof. Gilbert Cijntje announced that the Government of Curaçao can save 2 million florins per year, if they make the necessary decisions for the way to archive.

Cijntje remarked that many times when talking about archives, people think that it is about dirty, old and ugly things. But archiving is extremely important for the conscience of a country, for the reason that the file has everything that happened.

Cijntje showed the fact that here in Curaçao there is a quantity of more than 40 kilometers of documents, which are stored in a warehouse right here in Curaçao and that the Government is paying about 2 million florins per year so that they are not eaten by cockroaches or other insects.

The irony is that as a result of some investigations, 90% of these documents can be destroyed, and the rest 10% can bes stored at the National Archive.

Cijntje is of the opinion that if you want to save money in this country, there is sure room to start saving 2 million florins per year.

The reason why Cijntje brought this point is because 7 years ago, National Archive approached ICUC to make a program to archive. In December of 2019, they will arrive at the end of these three years of this program, where there are about 20 students who will receive their certificate to archive.

The students are working in the Government and will soon propose material that has nothing more to do with.

In December, ICUC will deliver the first group to Curaçao, where students studied a special Archive program.

On Saturday of last week ICUC honored 4 students who will also finish in December with a certificate, due to the fact that until now they did not get a point for less than 6.


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