WILLEMSTAD.- In the framework of the Traffic Safety Week 2018 (between August 20 and 24), the Minister of Traffic, Transportation and Urban Planning Mrs. Zita Jesús-Leito yesterday explained that the Government does its part in our infrastructure, for the community to enjoy a more secure traffic.
Jesus-Leito explained that the Government decided to start with the most basic things possible and try to do it well.

“We mark the roads in different ways, we put yellow barrels so that if some people get a misfortune they will bump on it. Do not hit the walls but against the barrels.” The barrels, according to the minister, contain sand inside. That’s a way to save at least one life. We can see the barrels in different roads, such as the Juliana bridge on the way down, when driving from the Punda part to Otrobanda. In addition, we also get them in the Ararat part and on the Banda Bou road. Notices will be placed. Not to mention cat’s eyes so during the night hours you can see. Cat’s eyes that help motorists and others who use the tracks, and in a way that they take them more into account. ”

Jesus-Leito: “One of the facts that characterizes our traffic is that we drive our cars too fast, we must become aware and be part of those that say, we will pay more attention to drive our cars a little more in line with the speed that we must use when we are on the roads. ”

According to Jesus-Leito at this moment her office is working on the laws. “There are already laws and traffic regulations, but we want to make changes in some of them, as well as more alcohol controls by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, as well as the creation of a council that will audit our traffic. Areas where there are more accidents, and therefore will make more rigorous controls.


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