WILLEMSTAD.- Officials of the X Team continuing with their actions on combating illegal activities regarding the environment, visited another area after receiving complaints from neighbors.

This time they went to Buena Vista in the area of Mirla Plateweg, after receiving complaints from neighbors who have been confronting annoyances of all kinds with the garbage that comes from the entrance or threshold of an establishment in the vicinity, whose bad smells glides with the wind towards their home thresholds.

During the time the officials were on site they were able to check very clearly, as the wind allows the smell of the garbage to slide under the doors of the establishment and into to the different thresholds of houses located nearby.

Obviously, this causes irritation to the inhabitants. Immediately the officials ordered the responsible to clean and make the necessary adjustments in their entrances or thresholds in order to avoid that the odors of the garbage are transferred in the direction of the portals of the neighboring houses.


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