WILLEMSTAD.- The Speaker of the Parliament William Millerson has no other choice but to comply with the Law when a verdict of the highest Court in the Kingdom becomes irrevocable, in this case, he is obliged to send a letter to the respective member of Parliament to notify him that his position as Parliamentarian has ceased or ended at that very moment.

Millerson considers it necessary to explain some things, because he saw certain information that appears in the media that are not correct in relationship with the verdict.

Millerson made mention of a reaction that a citizen raised to Facebook, in which he points out, that instead of chasing Schotte better observe how Parliament is working. Regarding this, Millerson explained that Court’s verdict has nothing to do with this point that was presented.

What was emphasized in the press conference is that according to the provisions of “National Law Ordinance” it is clearly indicated, that when a person gets a letter announcing that she lost her membership in Parliament, this person can file an appeal in the Superior Court of Curaçao and in this instance a decision must be made about whether the parliamentarian is right or not.

After this decision of the Court, the President of the Parliament has the obligation to comply with the established notification, then he must issue a letter to inform the person that his period has ended.

Everything that takes place here is in accordance with the Statute and State Settlement Law.

Meanwhile all the documents went to the Supreme Electoral Council and if everything goes according to the plan, in two weeks’ time it will be informed, who will become the next parliamentarian who was appointed to form the 21 members of Parliament.


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