WILLEMSTAD – The SAP union respects the sentence issued by the Judge, which halts the action of the VVC Department. The sentence was handed down yesterday.

The president of the union sr. Marco Lacle said that they want to emphasize that management made the decision that three people should leave the Department in question, but from the beginning SAP indicated that they were not against this operational management decision. SAP said that the way and how it was done would not go without consequences. The internal and external consequences have to do with the safety of the workers and the safety of the service that should be given to the community that is in danger, this was the topic.

The Vice-President of SAP, Mr. Armando Vilchez also said that all those who have decrees to work on the street, should return and SAP is not against this. They went to the Court with two points: consequence and safety of the workers.

They respect the decision of the Court. But they took note that the Court came out with another point of view, as if they were against the workers going to work elsewhere, which resulted in the sentence.

As a Directive, SAP will analyze the ruling together with the members to know what they want from their unions and then set the legal direction they wish to travel.

Since yesterday, the workers went to work even though the scenario of worker safety is a problem.

This sentence creates an unpleasant situation, and that is that the community will suffer from the service according to Vilchez. If the execution of the service cannot be guaranteed, how can the community be given the correct service?

Finally, Mr. Lacle said he hopes and trusts that the police force management will understand that they will be confronted with the reality of the consequences later. Maybe by then you will understand what SAP alerted for several days.

In this Department, 29 police work, of which three (3) that worked as “street service” must now return “to the street” and they are against how things are going.

Yesterday the workers completed 10 days of actions that ended in the Court when the Government (Ministry of Justice) through the judge, ordered the union to stop their actions that according to their legal bases, had no basis.


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