WILLEMSTAD- According to STR, the leading provider of hotel performance data and analytics worldwide, Curaçao’s hotels achieved a 70.7% average room occupancy during calendar year (CY) 2022, 10 percentage points better than the average for the Caribbean as a whole (60.7%).
The average daily room rate for Curaçao’s hotels in CY 2022 was US$ 206.32, 29.0% less than the average for the Caribbean (US$ 290.60) while the hotels’ average Revenue per Available Room was US$ 145.84, some 17.4% less than the regional average of US$ 176.46.
STR obtains information from a sample of 14 hotels in Curaçao which represent 2,543 hotel rooms, about 52% of all hotel rooms on the island, and from a sample of 293 hotels in the Caribbean.
By comparison with 2021 Curaçao’s hotels saw a 19.1 percentage point gain in average room occupancy, growing from 51.6% in CY 2021 to 70.7% in CY 2022 with the hotels’ Average Daily Room Rate growing by 19.3%. The growth in average room occupancy for the Caribbean was 16.3 percentage points while the growth in ADR for the region’s hotels was 21.7%.
According to the Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association (AHATA) Aruba’s hotels achieved an average room occupancy of 75.0% in CY 2022 with an ADR of US$ 309.04 and a RevPar of US$ 231.89.