WILLEMSTAD.- If everyone complies with their tax payments and their premiums, the Government will not have any financial problems. This was indicated by Finance Minister Kenneth Gijsbertha related to the difficult financial period for which Curaçao is currently going thru. The approximate calculations are that they have between 800 and 900 million on the street that correspond to the Government. If the Government gets a part of what is on the street, it will be able to meet all the priorities that the community so desires, so the Minister said.

In recent weeks there have been criticisms from different parties about the government’s situation. A whole bunch of the criticisms are from people who owe taxes or do not pay their premiums. Minister Gijsbertha cannot comment about this but indicated in this framework, that Curaçao is in danger of getting an instruction. Negotiations are taking place but not only for the Government but for the whole island. If everyone complies with their obligations, we will be able to comply with all obligations and management direction that was set, according to the Minister.

This week will negotiations with the Council of Financial Supervision (Cft) will continue with the latest developments. Tomorrow CfT will talk with the Council of Ministers. On Wednesday, Cft will give their opinion on the latest package presented last week, in order to achieve a budget with a deficit lower than 116 million that is now on the table with regard to 2017.

Minister Gijsbertha also confirmed the information that EXTRA already published, that 1200 additional people asked the Government for help, as a result of the developments in the labor sector. More and more people are losing their jobs and are applying for financial help. According to the Minister, it is estimated that this extra amount of applicants will cost the Government in the order of 8 million additional florins per year.

With regards to the collection of Taxes, the Minister reminded that they have many possibilities to reach payment arrangements for due taxes. There are incentives for those who want to pay their debts in a single portion. “In the upcoming months, due taxes will be collected aggressively. We have officers who finished their training in order to help in the collection process. We will approach the Netherlands and IMF / World Bank so that the necessary experts can help in the financial process. They will not come to take the reins of our finances in any case.” This is how the Minister reacted.


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