Djárason, Yüni 26, 2024

Colombia starts talks with a third guerrilla group

Caracas, Venezuela The Colombian government on Monday began peace negotiations with a rebel group that broke away from a historic 2016 ceasefire deal with FARC guerillas,...

Haiti’s new PM leaves hospital after respiratory issue

Port-Au-Prince, Haiti Haiti's new prime minister, Garry Conille, left the hospital Sunday in stable condition after being admitted for a respiratory issue one day earlier, two...

Another cyclist victim of ‘Hit & Run’ this morning and left seriously injured

WILLEMSTAD - Around 2 a.m., a car struck a cyclist severely and then fled the scene. The police station received a notification that near...

US state of Alabama carries out country’s first execution using nitrogen gas

The US state of Alabama on Thursday carried out the country's first execution using nitrogen gas, a controversial method the UN has likened to...

Sentences ranging from 5 to 15 years for drug smuggling in containers at the...

WILLEMSTAD - The Public Prosecutor yesterday asked for severe penalties for the case of cocaine smuggling in containers at the Curaçao port. These are...

Fundashon pa Konsumidó; With better service, we are all happy

WILLEMSTAD.- In the year 2024, the Consumer Foundation (Fundashon pa Konsumidó)  will focus on the service aspects. This will be presented in the form...

Gerrit Schotte: “The financial debacle of HNO is due to stubbornness.”

WILLEMSTAD.- What will be done with the outcome of the parliamentary survey on the construction of the New Hospital in Otrobanda (HNO). This is...

Netherlands to select future attack submarines

Paris, France The Netherlands was set to announce Friday who it has chosen for a multi-billion-euro contract to build four submarines for its navy, with a...

Foundation Union Trust Office Curaçao: “We need to be cautious not to lose the...

WILLEMSTAD.- The Foundation Union Trust Office Curaçao serves as a representative body for stakeholders in the online gambling sector, and they have expressed some...

5 unions warn the government to pay within 30 days

WILLEMSTAD.- Yesterday, five unions representing public employees sent a warning letter to the Council of Ministers as well as to the governor, requesting the...



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