Djadumingu, Yüni 23, 2024

Condition of the bridge does not represent a danger for motorists

WILLEMSTAD.- Juliana Bridge is very important to the traffic network in Curaçao. For this reason, with much concern the Public Works Service (OW), took...

Mexico braces for ‘extremely dangerous’ Hurricane Willa

Mexico braced Monday as an "extremely dangerous" Hurricane Willa bore down on the Pacific coast, where it is expected to hit with potentially deadly wind and...

Two police officers have been arrested on Bonaire

Two police officers of the Dutch Caribbean Police have been arrested on Bonaire on behalf of the Chief Public Prosecutor of the BES-islands. Both...

Childcare in serious investigation for money laundering

WILLEMSTAD.-There is a child day care center that is involved in serious problems with the justice. EXTRA was approached by the employees of the nursery...

Curaçao hosts the 2018 annual Caribbean Society of Hotel Association Executives Retreat

Willemstad, October 21st 2018 – In the week of October 15th, Curaçao welcomed Association President & CEO’s of several key Caribbean destinations to strengthen...

CHATA –MCB Breakfast Meeting: Caribbean Tourism Performance and its challenges…

Willemstad (October 19th, 2018) – On Friday, CHATA hosted its Breakfast Meeting of 2018 at CHATA member Omundo Restaurant. The Breakfast Meeting featured presentations from Ms....

Honduran migrants prepare to march on after Trump vows to halt them

Thousands of Honduran migrants whose trek toward the United States has triggered tirades from US President Donald Trump prepared to continue their march Monday...

140 extra options to receive international payments

We all know how to pay online using our credit card. In addition to credit cards like MasterCard, Visa, Discover or AMEX, each country...

A scandal was formed but an agreement was reached “in silence”

WILLEMSTAD.- After the theft of almost 600 kilos of drugs from a police station, detectives and other police services went on strike because they...

Multidisciplinary team in action; several arrests of women and men

WILLEMSTAD.- Yesterday evening, the multidisciplinary team consisting of the police, MEO, BAB, Immigration, Fire department and even SVB, took to the streets for a...



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