Djaluna, Yüni 24, 2024

S. Korea hails Trump-Kim summit as ‘talks of the century’

South Koreans erupted in applause Tuesday as Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un met for what local media billed as the "talks of the...

Trump says ‘a lot of progress’ made in Kim summit

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un emerged from their Singapore summit Tuesday with the US president hailing "a lot of progress" and a "fantastic" sit-down. "We had...

Spain offers to take in stranded migrant ship

Spain offered Monday to take in a ship stranded in the Mediterranean with 629 migrants aboard after Italy and Malta refused to let the vessel dock...

Three men detained with firearms and drugs

WILLEMSTAD - As a result of a good job done by authorities, three Latino men have been arrested after a large amount of firearms...

Police agent detained among others for leaking information

WILLEMSTAD - Yesterday Curacao Detective Corps Officers made three (3) arrests related to an important investigation, among others the misuse of functions and filtering...

Venezuela’s street barbers struggle to make ends meet

Under a bridge in a Caracas street market, barbers make their living with a razor, a mirror and a plastic chair, giving a brush-up...

4-year-old of a married LGBT couple in danger of deportation

WILLEMSTAD - The FOKO Foundation wrote an urgent letter to the Minister of Justice Quincy Girigorie, imploring him to comply with the spirit and...

The smell of gasoline may vary but the quality is in accordance with specification

WILLEMSTAD - Curoil is reacting on the claims that have been presented the last days on social media regarding the smell of gasoline. Curoil...

Celebrity chef, food critic Anthony Bourdain dead at 61: CNN

Food author and travel host Anthony Bourdain has committed suicide while traveling in France, according to the television network CNN for which he took...

Werner Wiels apologizes to the Jewish community

WILLEMSTAD - Werner Wiels apologizes to the local Jewish community after issuing certain particular expressions pronounced during this week’s press conference. In a meeting with...



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